Adjusting To The Flip Flop!
Getting Our Sea Legs Back – Determined To Recover!
Discovering Some Exciting New Things – We Almost Quit YouTube!
Long Time No See – WE’RE BACK!
SixBlindKids – Amazing SleepSafe Beds Factory Tour! Aidan’s Bed Being Shipped!
Join us on Patreon for exclusive content here:
We filmed this before most everything was shut down, so please watch the next few videos as the COVID-19 situation evolves and affects our plans! Please, be kind in the comments!
This was Day 2 of our planned 7-Day Road Trip, and our planned visit to the SleepSafe Bed company ( in Bassett Virginia. In partnership with SleepSafe Beds, we announced in our last video, link here,, that the first recipient of a custom SleepSafe Bed from the Amazing Families Foundation ( was none other than Aidan Killen of @The Killen Clan , a blind and autistic 12 year old adopted from the Ukraine!
In this video, we visit the factory on a special, unique guided tour and meet some of the awesome people there! We hope to be able to provide additional SleepSafe Beds, weighted blankets, adaptive clothing, and transport chairs to other Amazing Families who need them and can’t get them through other means.
To be considered for a future product giveaway, visit the entry form here:
SixBlindKids – TWO EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENTS! On Our Way To SleepSafe Beds – Road Trip Day 2 (of 7)
Join us on Patreon for exclusive content here:
We filmed this before most everything was shut down, so please watch the next few videos as the COVID-19 situation evolves and affects our plans! Please, be kind in the comments!
This was Day 2 of our planned 7-Day Road Trip, and we are on our way to visit the SleepSafe Bed company (
In this video we make TWO EXCITING LIFECHANGING ANNOUNCEMENTS! First, we are happy to announce that the first recipient of a custom SleepSafe Bed from the Amazing Families Foundation ( is none other than Aidan Killen of @The Killen Clan , a blind and autistic 12 year old adopted from the Ukraine! Special thanks to SleepSafe Beds for partnering with us to do this!
Secondly, because of a recent $3000 donation to our foundation from a Donor Giving Fund, we are able to completely fund our foundation’s first “Weighted Blanket” project and our first “Adaptive Clothing” project, as well as boost our funding for the next SleepSafe Bed recipient.
The Product Giveaway consideration entry form is here:
SixBlindKids Roll With Cole And Charisma – Collab!
The SixBlindKids meet up with Cole and Charisma from the RollWithCole and Charisma YouTube channel! We had a great day together, and it was Cole’s birthday coming up, so we celebrated by bringing him a gift bag of treats from Hannah’s workplace, Cameron’s Coffee and Chocolates.
We visited National Harbor and rode The Capital Wheel, a giant ferris wheel with great views overlooking the Potomac River.
Cole and Charisma are an interabled couple, Cole is a quadriplegic, and an interracial couple and they share their lives together on their vlog with a message of “Stay Positive!”
Please go visit and subscribe to Cole and Charisma’s channel here:
And go watch their video about our day together here:
You can find out about Hannah’s workplace, Cameron’s Coffee and Chocolates, and find out about their mission to employ persons with physical and developmental disabilities at their website or visit their online store at
Their Facebook page is here:
Follow them on Instagram here:
This video was NOT sponsored by Cameron’s Coffee and Chocolates or any other sponsor.
SixBlindKids – Behind The Scenes With SBSK – A Day In The Life With The Six Blind Kids
We had a lot of fun with Chris Ulmer from SBSK (Special Books By Special Kids) and Alyssa as they filmed the “Day In The Life Of The Family Who Adopted Six Blind Kids”! We take you “behind the scenes” for some fun times and the ton of work Chris and Alyssa put in filming this episode. The filming took three days and a pretty grueling schedule at 7 different locations around Northern Virginia as he captured the “Day in the Life” of each of the SixBlindKids!
We want to thank all of our friends, teachers, teacher assistants, bus drivers, principals, and school administrators who helped us orchestrate and organize this project! Thank you to Cameron’s Coffee and Chocolates, Hannah’s employer. Visit them at
We even had good weather for all of the shooting and a snow storm came into town just as Chris was wrapping up! Chris and Alyssa were able to move their flight up a day so they could get out before the snowstorm affected their travel home.
The link to Chris’ Day In The life video is here:
Chris’ first video he did with our family is here: