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Recently, someone made a comment about Abi’s “appearance”, and thought we should be more sensitive to the feelings of “typical” girls who might be uncomfortable being around her “because of how she looks”. That perhaps we should “hide Abi away” because she doesn’t have a “typical” appearance. Mom and David and then Mom and Dad have a “straight talk” discussion about Ableism, inclusion, and acceptance, and how discrimination happens IN REAL LIFE every single day.
We also discuss the advances in technology and medicine that provide “abilities” for persons with disabilities, and why we have chosen NOT to have our kids undergo procedures to permit them to wear prosthetic (fake) eyes.
pearl clutcher: An uptight person, usually but not always female, usually but not always of conservative mores, who reacts with shock, feigned or otherwise, at other people’s violations of decorum, propriety, morality, and so forth. (from Urban Dictionary)
messiah complex: is a state of mind in which an individual holds a belief that they are destined to become a savior[1] today or in the near future.[2] The term can also refer to a state of mind in which an individual believes that they are responsible for saving or assisting others. (from Wikipedia)