SixBlindKids – Learning Critical Life Skills While “At Home” And Toilet Tissue Issues

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Abi, who was born blind and has moderate intellectual disabiliities, ran into a door! She came up and told mom she hurt herself and needed attention. THIS IS HUGE! For a kid with special needs to understand that she is hurt and needs help is a CRITICAL life skill. We are amazed at how far she’s come! Boredom during this “stay at home” time is setting in, and it has a profound impact on persons with special needs.

Abi has been acting out in some unusual ways, but one of her “activities” has to do with our extremely limited supply of toilet tissue, so mom had to address that issue “head on” with her!

Dad braved going to Costco and actually bought some toilet paper, which is a good thing, but also a risky thing. We have personal experience with this brand of toilet paper, and it isn’t good!

And Jesse picks up on our conversation about Clorox Wipes and decides to serenade us with the “Clean Up Song” from Barney.

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