Abi, who was born blind and has moderate intellectual disabilities, heads out for an ice cream outing with two of her “Best Buddies” from school. Abi has been working on her language skills and she is making a lot of improvements in pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar. Abi didn’t speak or walk until she was about 7 years old. She has come a LONG way since she was adopted from a Calcutta orphanage at age 4. She is also working on her apprehension around animals, including our pet Beagle puppy, ArnieThe Beagle!
Allison and Fedrica are friends from Abi’s school and they all are a part of their school’s “Best Buddies” club. Best Buddies International is a nonprofit organization dedicated to establishing a global volunteer movement that creates opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment, leadership development, and inclusive living for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).